var _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____ = function(name) {return (self._wb_wombat && self._wb_wombat.local_init && self._wb_wombat.local_init(name)) || self[name]; }; if (!self.__WB_pmw) { self.__WB_pmw = function(obj) { this.__WB_source = obj; return this; } } { let window = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("window"); let self = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("self"); let document = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("document"); let location = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("location"); let top = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("top"); let parent = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("parent"); let frames = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("frames"); let opener = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("opener"); /* mediaboxAdvanced v1.5.4 - The ultimate extension of Slimbox and Mediabox; an all-media script updated 2011.2.19 (c) 2007-2011 John Einselen - based on Slimbox v1.64 - The ultimate lightweight Lightbox clone (c) 2007-2008 Christophe Beyls - description: The ultimate extension of Slimbox and Mediabox; an all-media script license: MIT-style authors: - John Einselen - Christophe Beyls - Contributions from many others requires: - core/1.3.2: [Core, Array, String, Number, Function, Object, Event, Browser, Class, Class.Extras, Slick.*, Element.*, FX.*, DOMReady, Swiff] - Quickie/2.1: '*' provides: [, Mediabox.close, Mediabox.recenter, Mediabox.scanPage] */ var Mediabox; (function() { // Global variables, accessible to Mediabox only var options, mediaArray, activeMedia, prevMedia, nextMedia, top, mTop, left, mLeft, winWidth, winHeight, fx, preload, preloadPrev = new Image(), preloadNext = new Image(), // DOM elements overlay, center, media, bottom, captionSplit, title, caption, number, prevLink, nextLink, // Mediabox specific vars URL, WH, WHL, elrel, mediaWidth, mediaHeight, mediaType = "none", mediaSplit, mediaId = "mediaBox", margin, marginBottom; /* Initialization */ window.addEvent("domready", function() { // Create and append the Mediabox HTML code at the bottom of the document $$([ overlay = new Element("div", {id: "mbOverlay"}).addEvent("click", close), center = new Element("div", {id: "mbCenter"}) ]).setStyle("display", "none") ); container = new Element("div", {id: "mbContainer"}).inject(center, "inside"); media = new Element("div", {id: "mbMedia"}).inject(container, "inside"); bottom = new Element("div", {id: "mbBottom"}).inject(center, "inside").adopt( closeLink = new Element("a", {id: "mbCloseLink", href: "#"}).addEvent("click", close), nextLink = new Element("a", {id: "mbNextLink", href: "#"}).addEvent("click", next), prevLink = new Element("a", {id: "mbPrevLink", href: "#"}).addEvent("click", previous), title = new Element("div", {id: "mbTitle"}), number = new Element("div", {id: "mbNumber"}), caption = new Element("div", {id: "mbCaption"}) ); fx = { overlay: new Fx.Tween(overlay, {property: "opacity", duration: 360}).set(0), media: new Fx.Tween(media, {property: "opacity", duration: 360, onComplete: captionAnimate}), bottom: new Fx.Tween(bottom, {property: "opacity", duration: 240}).set(0) }; }); /* API */ Mediabox = { close: function(){ close(); // Thanks to Yosha on the google group for fixing the close function API! }, recenter: function(){ // Thanks to Garo Hussenjian (Xapnet Productions for suggesting this addition if (center && !Browser.Platform.ios) { left = window.getScrollLeft() + (window.getWidth()/2); center.setStyles({left: left, marginLeft: -(mediaWidth/2)-margin}); // top = window.getScrollTop() + (window.getHeight()/2); // margin = center.getStyle('padding-left').toInt()+media.getStyle('margin-left').toInt()+media.getStyle('padding-left').toInt(); // center.setStyles({top: top, left: left, marginTop: -(mediaHeight/2)-margin, marginLeft: -(mediaWidth/2)-margin}); } }, open: function(_mediaArray, startMedia, _options) { options = { // Text options (translate as needed) buttonText: ['«','»','×'], // Array defines "previous", "next", and "close" button content (HTML code should be written as entity codes or properly escaped) // buttonText: ['«','»','×'], // buttonText: ['Prev','Next','Close'], counterText: '({x} of {y})', // Counter text, {x} = current item number, {y} = total gallery length linkText: '{x}
open in a new tab', // Text shown on iOS devices for non-image links flashText: 'Error
Adobe Flash is either not installed or not up to date, please visit to download the free player.', // Text shown if Flash is not installed. // General overlay options center: true, // Set to false for use with custom CSS layouts loop: false, // Navigate from last to first elements in a gallery keyboard: true, // Enables keyboard control; escape key, left arrow, and right arrow keyboardAlpha: false, // Adds 'x', 'c', 'p', and 'n' when keyboard control is also set to true keyboardStop: false, // Stops all default keyboard actions while overlay is open (such as up/down arrows) // Does not apply to iFrame content, does not affect mouse scrolling overlayOpacity: 0.8, // 1 is opaque, 0 is completely transparent (change the color in the CSS file) resizeOpening: true, // Determines if box opens small and grows (true) or starts at larger size (false) resizeDuration: 240, // Duration of each of the box resize animations (in milliseconds) initialWidth: 320, // Initial width of the box (in pixels) initialHeight: 180, // Initial height of the box (in pixels) defaultWidth: 640, // Default width of the box (in pixels) for undefined media (MP4, FLV, etc.) defaultHeight: 360, // Default height of the box (in pixels) for undefined media (MP4, FLV, etc.) showCaption: true, // Display the title and caption, true / false showCounter: true, // If true, a counter will only be shown if there is more than 1 image to display countBack: false, // Inverts the displayed number (so instead of the first element being labeled 1/10, it's 10/10) clickBlock: true, // Adds an event on right-click to block saving of images from the context menu in most browsers (this can't prevent other ways of downloading, but works as a casual deterent) // iOS device options // iOSenable: false, // When set to false, disables overlay entirely (links open in new tab) // IMAGES and INLINE content will display normally, // while ALL OTHER content will display a direct link (this is required so as to not break mixed-media galleries) iOShtml: true, // If set to true, HTML content is displayed normally as well (useful if your HTML content is minimal and UI oriented instead of external sites) // Image options imgBackground: false, // Embed images as CSS background (true) or tag (false) // CSS background is naturally non-clickable, preventing downloads // IMG tag allows automatic scaling for smaller screens // (all images have no-click code applied, albeit not Opera compatible. To remove, comment lines 212 and 822) imgPadding: 100, // Clearance necessary for images larger than the window size (only used when imgBackground is false) // Change this number only if the CSS style is significantly divergent from the original, and requires different sizes // Inline options overflow: 'auto', // If set, overides CSS settings for inline content only, set to "false" to leave CSS settings intact. inlineClone: false, // Clones the inline element instead of moving it from the page to the overlay // Global media options html5: 'true', // HTML5 settings for YouTube and Vimeo, false = off, true = on scriptaccess: 'true', // Allow script access to flash files fullscreen: 'true', // Use fullscreen fullscreenNum: '1', // 1 = true autoplay: 'true', // Plays the video as soon as it's opened autoplayNum: '1', // 1 = true autoplayYes: 'yes', // yes = true volume: '100', // 0-100, used for NonverBlaster and Quicktime players medialoop: 'true', // Loop video playback, true / false, used for NonverBlaster and Quicktime players bgcolor: '#000000', // Background color, used for flash and QT media wmode: 'transparent', // Background setting for Adobe Flash ('opaque' and 'transparent' are most common) // NonverBlaster playerpath: 'files/NonverBlaster.swf', // Path to NonverBlaster.swf showTimecode: 'false', // turn timecode display off or on (true, false) controlColor: '0xFFFFFF', // set the control color controlBackColor: '0x0000000', // set the bakcground color (video only) // playerBackColor: '0x0000FF', // set the player background color (leave blank to allow CSS styles to show through for audio) playerBackColor: '', // set the player background color (leave blank to allow CSS styles to show through) wmodeNB: 'transparent', // Background setting for Adobe Flash (set to 'transparent' for a blank background, 'opaque' in other situations) // autoAdvance: 'false', // placeholder setting only - not currently implemented (intending to add auto gallery list navigation on play-end) // Quicktime options controller: 'true', // Show controller, true / false // Flickr options flInfo: 'true', // Show title and info at video start // Revver options revverID: '187866', // Revver affiliate ID, required for ad revinue sharing revverFullscreen: 'true', // Fullscreen option revverBack: '000000', // Background color revverFront: 'ffffff', // Foreground color revverGrad: '000000', // Gradation color // Ustream options usViewers: 'true', // Show online viewer count (true, false) // Youtube options ytBorder: '0', // Outline (1=true, 0=false) ytColor1: '000000', // Outline color ytColor2: '333333', // Base interface color (highlight colors stay consistent) ytRel: '0', // Show related videos (1=true, 0=false) ytInfo: '1', // Show video info (1=true, 0=false) ytSearch: '0', // Show search field (1=true, 0=false) // Viddyou options vuPlayer: 'basic', // Use 'full' or 'basic' players // Vimeo options vmTitle: '1', // Show video title vmByline: '1', // Show byline vmPortrait: '1', // Show author portrait vmColor: 'ffffff' // Custom controller colors, hex value minus the # sign, defult is 5ca0b5 }; prevLink.set('html', options.buttonText[0]); nextLink.set('html', options.buttonText[1]); closeLink.set('html', options.buttonText[2]); if (Browser.firefox2) { // Fixes Firefox 2 and Camino 1.6 incompatibility with opacity + flash options.overlayOpacity = 1; overlay.className = 'mbOverlayOpaque'; } if (Browser.Platform.ios) { options.keyboard = false; options.resizeOpening = false; // Speeds up interaction on small devices (mobile) or older computers (IE6) overlay.className = 'mbMobile'; bottom.className = 'mbMobile'; // options.overlayOpacity = 0.001; // Helps ameliorate the issues with CSS overlays in iOS, leaving a clickable background, but avoiding the visible issues position(); } if (Browser.ie6) { options.resizeOpening = false; // Speeds up interaction on small devices (mobile) or older computers (IE6) overlay.className = 'mbOverlayAbsolute'; position(); } if (typeof _mediaArray == "string") { // Used for single mediaArray only, with URL and Title as first two arguments _mediaArray = [[_mediaArray,startMedia,_options]]; startMedia = 0; } mediaArray = _mediaArray; options.loop = options.loop && (mediaArray.length > 1); size(); setup(true); top = window.getScrollTop() + (window.getHeight()/2); left = window.getScrollLeft() + (window.getWidth()/2); // Fix = 0) { // if (Browser.Platform.ios && !options.iOSenable) { //[mediaIndex][0], "_blank"); // close(); // return false; // } media.set('html', ''); activeMedia = mediaIndex; prevMedia = ((activeMedia || !options.loop) ? activeMedia : mediaArray.length) - 1; nextMedia = activeMedia + 1; if (nextMedia == mediaArray.length) nextMedia = options.loop ? 0 : -1; stop(); center.className = "mbLoading"; if (preload && mediaType == "inline" && !options.inlineClone) preload.adopt(media.getChildren()); // prevents loss of adopted data /* mediaboxAdvanced link formatting and media support */ if (!mediaArray[mediaIndex][2]) mediaArray[mediaIndex][2] = ''; // Thanks to Leo Feyer for offering this fix WH = mediaArray[mediaIndex][2].split(' '); WHL = WH.length; if (WHL>1) { // mediaWidth = (WH[WHL-2].match("%")) ? (window.getWidth()*((WH[WHL-2].replace("%", ""))*0.01))+"px" : WH[WHL-2]+"px"; mediaWidth = (WH[WHL-2].match("%")) ? (window.getWidth()*((WH[WHL-2].replace("%", ""))*0.01)) : WH[WHL-2]; // mediaHeight = (WH[WHL-1].match("%")) ? (window.getHeight()*((WH[WHL-1].replace("%", ""))*0.01))+"px" : WH[WHL-1]+"px"; mediaHeight = (WH[WHL-1].match("%")) ? (window.getHeight()*((WH[WHL-1].replace("%", ""))*0.01)) : WH[WHL-1]; } else { mediaWidth = ""; mediaHeight = ""; } URL = mediaArray[mediaIndex][0]; // URL = encodeURI(URL).replace("(","%28").replace(")","%29"); // URL = encodeURI(URL).replace("(","%28").replace(")","%29").replace("%20"," "); captionSplit = mediaArray[activeMedia][1].split('::'); // Quietube and yFrog support if (URL.match(/quietube\.com/i)) { mediaSplit = URL.split('v.php/'); URL = mediaSplit[1]; } else if (URL.match(/\/\/http:\/\/yfrog/i)) { mediaType = (URL.substring(URL.length-1)); if (mediaType.match(/b|g|j|p|t/i)) mediaType = 'image'; if (mediaType == 's') mediaType = 'flash'; if (mediaType.match(/f|z/i)) mediaType = 'video'; URL = URL+":iphone"; } /* Specific Media Types */ // GIF, JPG, PNG if (URL.match(/\.gif|\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.png|twitpic\.com/i) || mediaType == 'image') { mediaType = 'img'; URL = URL.replace(/twitpic\.com/i, ""); preload = new Image(); preload.onload = startEffect; preload.src = URL; // FLV, MP4 } else if (URL.match(/\.flv|\.mp4/i) || mediaType == 'video') { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || options.defaultWidth; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || options.defaultHeight; preload = new Swiff(''+options.playerpath+'?mediaURL='+URL+'&allowSmoothing=true&autoPlay='+options.autoplay+'&buffer=6&showTimecode='+options.showTimecode+'&loop='+options.medialoop+'&controlColor='+options.controlColor+'&controlBackColor='+options.controlBackColor+'&playerBackColor='+options.playerBackColor+'&defaultVolume='+options.volume+'&scaleIfFullScreen=true&showScalingButton=true&crop=false', { id: 'mbVideo', width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmodeNB, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // MP3, AAC } else if (URL.match(/\.mp3|\.aac|tweetmic\.com|tmic\.fm/i) || mediaType == 'audio') { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || options.defaultWidth; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "17"; if (URL.match(/tweetmic\.com|tmic\.fm/i)) { URL = URL.split('/'); URL[4] = URL[4] || URL[3]; URL = ""+URL[4]+'.mp3'; } preload = new Swiff(''+options.playerpath+'?mediaURL='+URL+'&allowSmoothing=true&autoPlay='+options.autoplay+'&buffer=6&showTimecode='+options.showTimecode+'&loop='+options.medialoop+'&controlColor='+options.controlColor+'&controlBackColor='+options.controlBackColor+'&defaultVolume='+options.volume+'&scaleIfFullScreen=true&showScalingButton=true&crop=false', { id: 'mbAudio', width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // SWF } else if (URL.match(/\.swf/i) || mediaType == 'flash') { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || options.defaultWidth; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || options.defaultHeight; preload = new Swiff(URL, { id: 'mbFlash', width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // MOV, M4V, M4A, MP4, AIFF, etc. } else if (URL.match(/\.mov|\.m4v|\.m4a|\.aiff|\.avi|\.caf|\.dv|\.mid|\.m3u|\.mp3|\.mp2|\.mp4|\.qtz/i) || mediaType == 'qt') { mediaType = 'qt'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || options.defaultWidth; // mediaHeight = (parseInt(mediaHeight)+16)+"px" || options.defaultHeight; mediaHeight = (parseInt(mediaHeight)+16) || options.defaultHeight; preload = new Quickie(URL, { id: 'MediaboxQT', width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, attributes: {controller: options.controller, autoplay: options.autoplay, volume: options.volume, loop: options.medialoop, bgcolor: options.bgcolor} }); startEffect(); /* Social Media Sites */ // } else if (URL.match(/blip\.tv/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "640"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "390"; preload = new Swiff(URL, { src: URL, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // } else if (URL.match(/break\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "464"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "376"; mediaId = URL.match(/\d{6}/g); preload = new Swiff(''+mediaId, { width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // DailyMotion } else if (URL.match(/dailymotion\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "480"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "381"; preload = new Swiff(URL, { id: mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Facebook } else if (URL.match(/facebook\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "320"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "240"; mediaSplit = URL.split('v='); mediaSplit = mediaSplit[1].split('&'); mediaId = mediaSplit[0]; preload = new Swiff(''+mediaId, { movie: ''+mediaId, classid: 'clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000', width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Flickr } else if (URL.match(/flickr\.com(?!.+\/show\/)/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "500"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "375"; mediaSplit = URL.split('/'); mediaId = mediaSplit[5]; preload = new Swiff('', { id: mediaId, classid: 'clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000', width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {flashvars: 'photo_id='+mediaId+'&show_info_box='+options.flInfo, wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // GameTrailers Video } else if (URL.match(/gametrailers\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "480"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "392"; mediaId = URL.match(/\d{5}/g); preload = new Swiff(''+mediaId, { id: mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Google Video } else if (URL.match(/google\.com\/videoplay/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "400"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "326"; mediaSplit = URL.split('='); mediaId = mediaSplit[1]; preload = new Swiff(''+mediaId+'&autoplay='+options.autoplayNum, { id: mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Megavideo - Thanks to Robert Jandreu for suggesting this code! } else if (URL.match(/megavideo\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "640"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "360"; mediaSplit = URL.split('='); mediaId = mediaSplit[1]; preload = new Swiff(''+mediaId, { id: mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Metacafe } else if (URL.match(/metacafe\.com\/watch/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "400"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "345"; mediaSplit = URL.split('/'); mediaId = mediaSplit[4]; preload = new Swiff(''+mediaId+'/.swf?playerVars=autoPlay='+options.autoplayYes, { id: mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Myspace } else if (URL.match(/vids\.myspace\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "425"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "360"; preload = new Swiff(URL, { id: mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Revver } else if (URL.match(/revver\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "480"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "392"; mediaSplit = URL.split('/'); mediaId = mediaSplit[4]; preload = new Swiff(''+mediaId+'&affiliateId='+options.revverID+'&allowFullScreen='+options.revverFullscreen+'&autoStart='+options.autoplay+'&backColor=#'+options.revverBack+'&frontColor=#'+options.revverFront+'&gradColor=#'+options.revverGrad+'&shareUrl=revver', { id: mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Rutube } else if (URL.match(/rutube\.ru/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "470"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "353"; mediaSplit = URL.split('='); mediaId = mediaSplit[1]; preload = new Swiff(''+mediaId, { movie: ''+mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Tudou } else if (URL.match(/tudou\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "400"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "340"; mediaSplit = URL.split('/'); mediaId = mediaSplit[5]; preload = new Swiff(''+mediaId, { width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Twitcam } else if (URL.match(/twitcam\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "320"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "265"; mediaSplit = URL.split('/'); mediaId = mediaSplit[3]; preload = new Swiff(''+mediaId, { width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Twitvid } else if (URL.match(/twitvid\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "600"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "338"; mediaSplit = URL.split('/'); mediaId = mediaSplit[3]; preload = new Swiff(''+mediaId, { width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // } else if (URL.match(/ustream\.tv/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "400"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "326"; preload = new Swiff(URL+'&viewcount='+options.usViewers+'&autoplay='+options.autoplay, { width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // YouKu } else if (URL.match(/youku\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "480"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "400"; mediaSplit = URL.split('id_'); mediaId = mediaSplit[1]; preload = new Swiff(''+mediaId+'=/v.swf', { width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // YouTube Video (now includes HTML5 option) } else if (URL.match(/youtube\.com\/watch/i)) { mediaSplit = URL.split('v='); if (options.html5) { mediaType = 'url'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "640"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "385"; mediaId = "mediaId_"+new Date().getTime(); // Safari may not update iframe content with a static id. preload = new Element('iframe', { 'src': ''+mediaSplit[1], 'id': mediaId, 'width': mediaWidth, 'height': mediaHeight, 'frameborder': 0 }); startEffect(); } else { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaId = mediaSplit[1]; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "480"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "385"; preload = new Swiff(''+mediaId+'&autoplay='+options.autoplayNum+'&fs='+options.fullscreenNum+'&border='+options.ytBorder+'&color1=0x'+options.ytColor1+'&color2=0x'+options.ytColor2+'&rel='+options.ytRel+'&showinfo='+options.ytInfo+'&showsearch='+options.ytSearch, { id: mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); } // YouTube Playlist } else if (URL.match(/youtube\.com\/view/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaSplit = URL.split('p='); mediaId = mediaSplit[1]; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "480"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "385"; preload = new Swiff(''+mediaId+'&autoplay='+options.autoplayNum+'&fs='+options.fullscreenNum+'&border='+options.ytBorder+'&color1=0x'+options.ytColor1+'&color2=0x'+options.ytColor2+'&rel='+options.ytRel+'&showinfo='+options.ytInfo+'&showsearch='+options.ytSearch, { id: mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Veoh } else if (URL.match(/veoh\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "410"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "341"; URL = URL.replace('%3D','/'); mediaSplit = URL.split('watch/'); mediaId = mediaSplit[1]; preload = new Swiff(''+mediaId+'&player=videodetailsembedded&videoAutoPlay='+options.AutoplayNum+'&id=anonymous', { id: mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Viddler } else if (URL.match(/viddler\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "437"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "370"; mediaSplit = URL.split('/'); mediaId = mediaSplit[4]; preload = new Swiff(URL, { id: 'viddler_'+mediaId, movie: URL, classid: 'clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000', width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen, id: 'viddler_'+mediaId, movie: URL} }); startEffect(); // Vimeo (now includes HTML5 option) } else if (URL.match(/vimeo\.com/i)) { mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "640"; // site defualt: 400px mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "360"; // site defualt: 225px mediaSplit = URL.split('/'); mediaId = mediaSplit[3]; if (options.html5) { mediaType = 'url'; mediaId = "mediaId_"+new Date().getTime(); // Safari may not update iframe content with a static id. preload = new Element('iframe', { 'src': ''+mediaSplit[3]+'?portrait='+options.vmPortrait, 'id': mediaId, 'width': mediaWidth, 'height': mediaHeight, 'frameborder': 0 }); startEffect(); } else { mediaType = 'obj'; preload = new Swiff(''+mediaId+'&'+options.fullscreenNum+'&autoplay='+options.autoplayNum+'&show_title='+options.vmTitle+'&show_byline='+options.vmByline+'&show_portrait='+options.vmPortrait+'&color='+options.vmColor, { id: mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); } // INLINE } else if (URL.match(/\#mb_/i)) { mediaType = 'inline'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || options.defaultWidth; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || options.defaultHeight; URLsplit = URL.split('#'); // preload = new Element("div", {id: "mbMediaInline"}).adopt([1]).getChildren().clone([true,true])); preload =[1]); startEffect(); // HTML (applies to ALL links not recognised as a specific media type) } else { mediaType = 'url'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || options.defaultWidth; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || options.defaultHeight; mediaId = "mediaId_"+new Date().getTime(); // Safari may not update iframe content with a static id. preload = new Element('iframe', { 'src': URL, 'id': mediaId, 'width': mediaWidth, 'height': mediaHeight, 'frameborder': 0 }); startEffect(); } } return false; } function startEffect() { // if (Browser.Platform.ios && (mediaType == "obj" || mediaType == "qt" || mediaType == "html")) alert("this isn't gonna work"); // if (Browser.Platform.ios && (mediaType == "obj" || mediaType == "qt" || mediaType == "html")) mediaType = "ios"; (mediaType == "img")?media.addEvent("click", next):media.removeEvent("click", next); if (mediaType == "img"){ mediaWidth = preload.width; mediaHeight = preload.height; if (options.imgBackground) { media.setStyles({backgroundImage: "url("+URL+")", display: ""}); } else { // Thanks to Dusan Medlin for fixing large 16x9 image errors in a 4x3 browser if (mediaHeight >= winHeight-options.imgPadding && (mediaHeight / winHeight) >= (mediaWidth / winWidth)) { mediaHeight = winHeight-options.imgPadding; mediaWidth = preload.width = parseInt((mediaHeight/preload.height)*mediaWidth); preload.height = mediaHeight; } else if (mediaWidth >= winWidth-options.imgPadding && (mediaHeight / winHeight) < (mediaWidth / winWidth)) { mediaWidth = winWidth-options.imgPadding; mediaHeight = preload.height = parseInt((mediaWidth/preload.width)*mediaHeight); preload.width = mediaWidth; } if ( preload =; //if (options.clickBlock) preload.addEvent('mousedown', function(e){ e.stop(); }).addEvent('contextmenu', function(e){ e.stop(); }); media.setStyles({backgroundImage: "none", display: ""}); preload.inject(media); } // mediaWidth += "px"; // mediaHeight += "px"; } else if (mediaType == "inline") { // if (options.overflow) media.setStyles({overflow: options.overflow}); media.setStyles({backgroundImage: "none", display: ""}); // preload.inject(media); // media.grab(preload.get('html')); (options.inlineClone)?media.grab(preload.get('html')):media.adopt(preload.getChildren()); } else if (mediaType == "qt") { media.setStyles({backgroundImage: "none", display: ""}); preload.inject(media); // preload; } else if (mediaType == "ios" || Browser.Platform.ios) { media.setStyles({backgroundImage: "none", display: ""}); media.set('html', options.linkText.replace(/{x}/gi, URL)); mediaWidth = options.DefaultWidth; mediaHeight = options.DefaultHeight; } else if (mediaType == "url") { media.setStyles({backgroundImage: "none", display: ""}); preload.inject(media); // if (Browser.safari) options.resizeOpening = false; // Prevents occasional blank video display errors in Safari, thanks to Kris Gale for the solution } else if (mediaType == "obj") { if (Browser.Plugins.Flash.version < "8") { media.setStyles({backgroundImage: "none", display: ""}); media.set('html', '
Adobe Flash is either not installed or not up to date, please visit to download the free player.
'); mediaWidth = options.DefaultWidth; mediaHeight = options.DefaultHeight; } else { media.setStyles({backgroundImage: "none", display: ""}); preload.inject(media); // if (Browser.safari) options.resizeOpening = false; // Prevents occasional blank video display errors in Safari, thanks to Kris Gale for the solution } } else { media.setStyles({backgroundImage: "none", display: ""}); media.set('html', options.flashText); mediaWidth = options.defaultWidth; mediaHeight = options.defaultHeight; } title.set('html', (options.showCaption) ? captionSplit[0] : ""); caption.set('html', (options.showCaption && (captionSplit.length > 1)) ? captionSplit[1] : ""); number.set('html', (options.showCounter && (mediaArray.length > 1)) ? options.counterText.replace(/{x}/, (options.countBack)?mediaArray.length-activeMedia:activeMedia+1).replace(/{y}/, mediaArray.length) : ""); // if (options.countBack) { // number.set('html', (options.showCounter && (mediaArray.length > 1)) ? options.counterText.replace(/{x}/, activeMedia + 1).replace(/{y}/, mediaArray.length) : ""); // } else { // number.set('html', (options.showCounter && (mediaArray.length > 1)) ? options.counterText.replace(/{x}/, mediaArray.length - activeMedia).replace(/{y}/, mediaArray.length) : ""); // } if ((prevMedia >= 0) && (mediaArray[prevMedia][0].match(/\.gif|\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.png|twitpic\.com/i))) preloadPrev.src = mediaArray[prevMedia][0].replace(/twitpic\.com/i, ""); if ((nextMedia >= 0) && (mediaArray[nextMedia][0].match(/\.gif|\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.png|twitpic\.com/i))) preloadNext.src = mediaArray[nextMedia][0].replace(/twitpic\.com/i, ""); if (prevMedia >= 0) = ""; if (nextMedia >= 0) = ""; media.setStyles({width: mediaWidth+"px", height: mediaHeight+"px"}); bottom.setStyles({width: mediaWidth-marginBottom+"px"}); caption.setStyles({width: mediaWidth-marginBottom+"px"}); mediaWidth = media.offsetWidth; mediaHeight = media.offsetHeight+bottom.offsetHeight; if (mediaHeight >= top+top) { mTop = -top } else { mTop = -(mediaHeight/2) }; if (mediaWidth >= left+left) { mLeft = -left } else { mLeft = -(mediaWidth/2) }; /****/ if (options.resizeOpening) { fx.resize.start({width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, marginTop: mTop-margin, marginLeft: mLeft-margin}); /****/ } else { center.setStyles({width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, marginTop: mTop-margin, marginLeft: mLeft-margin}); mediaAnimate(); } // center.setStyles({width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, marginTop: mTop-margin, marginLeft: mLeft-margin}); // mediaAnimate(); } function mediaAnimate() {; } function captionAnimate() { center.className = ""; // if (prevMedia >= 0) = ""; // if (nextMedia >= 0) = ""; fx.bottom.start(1); } function stop() { if (preload) { if (mediaType == "inline" && !options.inlineClone) preload.adopt(media.getChildren()); // prevents loss of adopted data preload.onload = function(){}; // $empty replacement } fx.resize.cancel();; fx.bottom.cancel().set(0); $$(prevLink, nextLink).setStyle("display", "none"); } function close() { if (activeMedia >= 0) { if (mediaType == "inline" && !options.inlineClone) preload.adopt(media.getChildren()); // prevents loss of adopted data preload.onload = function(){}; // $empty replacement media.empty(); for (var f in fx) fx[f].cancel(); center.setStyle("display", "none"); fx.overlay.chain(setup).start(0); } return false; } })(); /* Quicktime detection from Quickie.js */ Browser.Plugins.QuickTime = (function(){ if (navigator.plugins) { for (var i = 0, l = navigator.plugins.length; i < l; i++) { if (navigator.plugins[i].name.indexOf('QuickTime') >= 0) { return true; } } } else { try { var test = new ActiveXObject('QuickTime.QuickTime'); } catch(e) {} if (test) { return true; } } return false; })(); /* Autoload code block */ Mediabox.scanPage = function() { // if (Browser.Platform.ios && !(navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i))) return; // this quits the process if the visitor is using a non-iPad iOS device (iPhone or iPod Touch) // $$('#mb_').each(function(hide) { hide.set('display', 'none'); }); var links = $$("a").filter(function(el) { return el.rel && el.rel.test(/^lightbox/i); }); // $$(links).mediabox({/* Put custom options here */}, null, function(el) { links.mediabox({/* Put custom options here */}, null, function(el) { var rel0 = this.rel.replace(/[[]|]/gi," "); var relsize = rel0.split(" "); return (this == el) || ((this.rel.length > 8) && el.rel.match(relsize[1])); }); }; window.addEvents({domready: Mediabox.scanPage, resize: Mediabox.recenter}); // to recenter the overlay while scrolling, add "scroll: Mediabox.recenter" to the object }